Sunday, July 11, 2010

Paul the Octopus Likely to Retire After the 2010 World Cup

As we have reached the final of the 2010 World Cup and Paul the Octopus still has a clean track record of predicting Germany’s matches the well known octopus reached a new level of fame this week as he got his own page on Wikipedia.
On the Wikipedia page of Paul the Octopus we get to learn a whole bunch of stuff that we didn’t know before (maybe you knew, but we didn’t).
Here are some facts about Paul the Octopus that you probably didn’t know:
Paul the Octopus was born in 2008 at the Sea Life Center in Weymouth, England.

Paul is named after the children’s book “Der Tintenfisch Paul Oktopus” by Boy Lornsen.

Since 2008 Paul have predicted a total of 12 games, 10 out of these has been correct.

Paul’s species is called “Octopus vulgaris”.

An “Octopus vulgaris” usually lives for about three years.

I hope you enjoyed these fun facts about Paul the Octopus and that you have learned something new.
Since the Paul the Octopus is of the species “Octopus vulgaris” which only lives for about three years it is very likely that the predictions for the 2010 World Cup will be his last. It will be interesting to see if the people over at Sea Life Aquarium are going to try to get another octopus to take over the predictions after Paul retires or if they will just give up on the idea to prove that Paul is as special as they say he is.

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