Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mani the Parakeet Challenges Paul the Octopus' 2010 World Cup Final Pick, Chooses Netherlands

Mani the Parakeet Successfully Chose the Entire Final Four World Cup Contenders

Those that were a sucker for Paul the Octopus' prognostications might simply believe that the predictions of Mani the Parakeet are simply bird-brained. Mani the Parakeet, an avian clairvoyant from Singapore, successfully chose the winners of the four World Cup semi-final games but contradicted the octopus to pick a different team to win the 2010 World Cup Final on Sunday. Unlike the octopus, the bird went with the underdogs -- Mani the Parakeet chose the Netherlands as this year's World Cup Final champion.
Paul the Octopus made world headlines when he put his 100 percent correct prediction record on the line and went against his homeland team, Germany, in the 2010 World Cup semi-final match-up against Spain. And when it was over, he remained 100 percent, as he did when he chose Germany to win the consolation match-up against Uruguay for third place. Now only one game remains that could keep Paul the Octopus' record a perfect 100 percent -- the 2010 World Cup Final game.
As should be expected, the two animals have very different selection methods. Paul the Octopus chooses his winners by opening one of two identical jars, each containing a single mussel. Mani the Parakeet predicts his winners via a selection of cards, one of which he chooses.
If there is an advantage (unfair?) to be found with one of the animals, perhaps it is in that Mani the Parakeet's owner is a fortune teller...
If letting animals choose your ultimate World Cup Final winner is just a bit too dicey, then perhaps a look at gambling odds produced by 'experts' is in order. has predicted Spain the winner at a half-goal advantage going into the Final match-up. (A word of caution: Try not to think about the fact that humans are simply animals with higher functioning brains when one sides with spreadsheets, indicators, trends, and "hunches".)
Regardless of whether Paul the Octopus or Mani the Parakeet ends up being correct in their 2010 World Cup Final game prognostication, the match-up will see a first-time ever World Cup winner.

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