Sunday, July 11, 2010

Netherlands' fans demonstrate against 'Octopus Paul' in Kerala

2010-07-11 22:00:00

Fans of the Netherlands team staged a protest in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, against the psychic 'Octopus Paul' for predicting their favourite team's defeat in the World Cup final.
Fans, on Saturday, carried placards and shouted slogans against the octopus.
Paul, who has become a global phenomenon after correctly predicting outcomes of the FIFA matches, has predicted that Spain would beat the Netherlands and win the World Cup 2010, while Germany and Uruguay shall be in third and fourth places respectively.
The two-year-old octopus, born in England and now living in a German aquarium, correctly predicted the results of the third place match, making it his seventh correct prediction in a row.
The octopus, considered by some to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates, got the choice of picking food from two different transparent containers lowered into his tank - one with a Dutch flag on it and one with Spain's flag, and wasted no time in making for the latter. (ANI)

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